Saturday, January 17, 2009

8 Great Ways to Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Here are 8 simple techniques that I`ve used to help overcome my panic attacks and anxiety. You should be able to reduce your levels of anxiety within the first day you implement them :

1) Deep breathing. Your chest pain is the result of an incorrect breathing. (Deep breathing can help, but can sometimes actually induces a panic attack, let it happen, what you fear is what you have to do more often, this is one technique that has given me great results, overcome your panic attacks by letting them happen, usually when you tend to be more aware of them, they will last shorter.

2) Always keep yourself busy, no matter how you feel (Keeping yourself occupied leaves you less time to think about anything that may affect you, therefore, it is less likely to another panic attack will hit.)

3) Buy Omega Fish Oil Capsules and Calcium - Magnesium supplements. Magnesium has helped me enormously. It definitely works, especially for my twitches and heart palpitations. Recent studies have shown that fish oils can reduce the level of your anxiety and even eliminate your panic attacks.

4) Now this rule, should be applied even by healthy people - Eat a lot of raw fruit and vegetables. Have one apple at breakfast, one banana at lunch, and eat your favorite fruit in the evening, at least 3 fresh fruits/vegetables every day or combined.

5) Stay away from sugar, salt and fat. Usually sugar can rise the blood pressure and automatically affect anxiety sufferers. Try to have a low carb diet, no matter how hard it is you need to avoid carbohydrates. Any carbs that you consume should be from whole grains or anything that will make it harder for your body to break down.

6) Exercise at least 20 minutes every day. It`s recommended doing it in the morning, just to get you prepared for the entire day. Do not overwhelm your self, take everything easy and do as many type of exercises as you can, write down a schedule so you can follow, it`s not that hard after all.

7) Use diaries. When you feel worst take a plain piece of paper and write down your thoughts for ten minutes. You can write just anything you like, even things that you would not tell anyone. This will help you overcome your anxiety tenfold. It`s one of the easiest ways to push everything out that may affect you. After 5 minutes, stop and read what you wrote aloud, so that you can understand better what you`re going through and fight to release your anxiety a lot easier. You will most likely burst out laughing because you will notice how ridiculous your thoughts are and the reality may be totally different. Nobody is ever to harm you and nobody is against you, everyone wants to you healthy as you were before.

8) Get a consistent sleep. Now a healthy person would sleep for at least 6 hours every night, make that between 8 and 10, until you reduce your anxiety consistently.

I hope all these tips will help you reduce the levels of anxiety, however I cannot guarantee any cure. Go ahead an read my story and find out how I managed to overcome my anxiety and panic attacks completely.

For more information on anxiety and panic attacks check out my complete story, and find out how Panic Away has helped me cure my anxiety and panic attacks completely, right at my website .

cure anxiety attacks: cure anxiety attacks

cure anxiety attacks: cure anxiety

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